

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 7 months, 1 week ago



Prof. Alan Liu, University of California, Santa Barbara

Email ayliu@english.ucsb.edu
Twitter @alanyliu
Twitter  0000-0003-2921-3037

Quality E-Learning:

MOOCs, Blended Learning, & Project-Based Methods


     Workshop for Hertie School of Governance

     Berlin -- 4 August 2014


What methods and features of e-learning can be used to position graduate-level and executive-training higher-education programs as providers of "quality" e-learning?  In this workshop, Alan Liu reviews the current state of e-learning in California and draws on his experience in digital humanities programs and projects at the University of California, Santa Barbara, to suggest several qualities of e-learning that can be the building blocks of a "quality" e-learning program.






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